ITP Lecture Archive

Statistical Physics – HS 2013

Prof. M. Sigrist

HPV G5, Tuesday 12:45 - 14:30
HPV G5, Wednesday 13:45 - 15:30

Script & Slides

Lecture-Notes: complete (update 17. Dec. 2013)


Content of Exam

(Please let us know if you find typos, unclear passages or inconsistent notations in the script)


There will be an exercise class already in the first week of the semester.

Assistants & Rooms

Markus Legner
Wed 10.45 - 12.30, HIT F12
Matteo Biondi
Wed 10.45 - 12.30, HIT H42
Philippe Faist
Wed 10.45 - 12.30, HIT F13
Andrei-Valentin Plamada
Tue 14.45 - 16.30, HIL D60.1
Daniel Müller
Adel Benlagra  

Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of questions and difficulties!

Office hours

Monday 9:00 - 11:00: Adel Benlagra HIT K 11.3 Phone: 044 633 76 25

Exercise & Solution Sheets

Exercise Sheets
Solution Sheets