ITP Lecture Archive

General Relativity – HS 2015


Tuesday, 14:45 - 16:45, HPV G5

Thursday, 10:45 - 12:45, HPV G5


The oral exam (30 minutes) will take place in the HS15 Exam Period.



Aleksander Garus
Thu 14:45 - 16:45
HIT F 31.2
Group I
Tobias Rindlisbacher
Thu 15:45 - 17:45
HIT F 31.1
Group II
Lisa Haenggli
Fri 12:45 - 14:45 HIT F 13
Group III
Jakub Imriska
Fri 12:45 - 14:45 HIT F 31.1
Group IV
Andreas Schaerer (UZH)
Thu 15:00 - 16:45
Y36-J-33 Group V

Hand - ins

Solutions should be handed in at least 24 hours before the class into the mailbox of your Teaching Assistant.

Exercise Sheets:

Please bring the sheets with you to the exercise class.